Low Carbon Future Cities
China Environment Research is collaborating in the project Low Carbon Future Cities funded my the Mercator Foundation.For more information, please visit www.lowcarbonfuture.net
Andreas Oberheitmann (2013): Long-Term Kaya-Identity Analysis and Prerequisites of a Sustainable and Green Economic Growth in a 2°C World. In: ISN ETH Zürich No. 236
Andreas Oberheitmann (2013): Some remarks on the individual contribution to climate change. "American Journal of Climate Change". Scientific Research Publishing 2 2013 (2): 198-202. DOI 10.4236/ajcc.2013.23020
Andreas Oberheitmann (2012): Development of a Low Carbon Economy in Wuxi City. "American Journal of Climate Change". Scientific Research Publishing. 1 (2012) 2: 64-103. DOI 10.4236/ajcc.2012.12007
Andreas Oberheitmann (2011): Economic growth and a Low Carbon Economy - Does the Earth suffer from an „Easter Island Syndrome“?. "Low Carbon Economy". Scientific Research Publishing: 2 (2011)4: 200-204. ISSN: 2158-7000. DOI: 10.4236/lce.2011.24024