- Andreas Oberheitmann: Long-Term Kaya-Identity Analysis and Prerequisites of a Sustainable and Green Economic Growth in a 2°C
World. In: ISN ETH Zürich. http://www.isn.ethz.ch/Digital-Library/Publications/Detail/?id=167156.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Some remarks on the individual contribution to climate change. "American Journal of Climate Change" Scientific Research Publishing (R). Forthcoming.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Fischer, Doris: Herausforderungen der Umweltpolitik“. In Doris Fischer and Christoph Müller-Hofstede
(Eds.): „Länderbericht China“. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb. Forthcoming.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Development of a Low Carbon Economy in Wuxi City. "American Journal of
Climate Change" Scientific Research Publishing. 1 (2012) 2: 64-103 (R). DOI 10.4236/ajcc.2012.12007.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: CO2-emission reduction in China's residential building sector
and contribution to the national climate change mitigation targets in 2020. "Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change". Springer: 17 (2012) 7: 769-791 (R). ISSN 1381-2386. DOI
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Ruan Xiaodong: Low carbon city planning in China. In: Frauke Urban and
Johan Nordensvard (Eds.): Low Carbon Development: Key Issues. Text book for Earthscan’s Key Issues Series. Routledge: 270-283 (R). ISBN: 978-0-415-53898-5.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Economic growth and a Low Carbon Economy - Does the Earth suffer from an
„Easter Island Syndrome“?. "Low Carbon Economy", Scientific Research Publishing: 2 (2011)4: 200-204 (R). ISSN: 2158-7000. DOI: 10.4236/lce.2011.24024.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Sternfeld, Eva: Global environmental governance, responsibility and
China’s role in a new post-Kyoto regime, in: Paul G. Harris (Ed.): China's Responsibility for Climate Change: Ethics, Fairness and Environmental Policy. The Policy Press: 195-222 (R).
ISBN 978-1-84742-813-4.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: USA und China: Kooperation im Bereich Energie und Klimaschutz, in: Altner, G. et al. (Ed.): Jahrbuch
Ökologie 2012: Grüner Umbau - Neue Allianzen für die Umwelt. Verlag Hirzel: 117-125 (R). ISBN 978-3-7776-2152-4.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China’s integration in the international climate change mitigation
process under the Kyoto Protocol. Structural changes and potential of CDM-projects. In:
Chuangm Yih-chyi and Thomas, Simona (eds.): China in the World Economy. Berliner China-Hefte 2010, Vol. 37. Lit-Verlag: 81-89. ISBN 978-3-643-99922-1.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: A new post-Kyoto climate regime based on per-capita cumulative emissions
rights – Rationale, Architecture and quantitative assessment of the Implication for the CO2-emissions from China, India and the Annex-I Countries by 2050. "Mitigation and Adaptation
Strategies for Global Change". Springer: 15 (2010) 2: 137-168 (R). ISSN 1381-2386.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Eva Sternfeld: Climate Change in China – The Development of China’s
Climate Policy and Its Integration into a New International Post-Kyoto Climate Regime. "Journal of Current Chinese Affairs". Hamburg University Press, 3/2009: 135-164 (R). ISSN 0341-6631.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Li Yong: Challenges of rapid economic growth in China: reconciling
sustainable energy use, environmental stewardship and social development. “Energy Policy”, Springer: 37 (2009): 1412–1422 (R). ISSN 0301-4215.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Eva Sternfeld: Unser Land soll sauberer werden: China setzt für die Zukunft auf erneuerbare
Energien. „Internationale Politik“. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik: 64 (2009)
2: 26-34. ISSN 1430-175X.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Economic growth and energy consumption - Assessing different options of
China’s energy security strategy. In: Shi, Shiwei (ed.): Competition and partnership – Key issues of economic and trade relations between China and EU. Beijing, 2008: 388-416. Duiwai Jingji Maoyi
Daxue Chubanshe. ISBN 978-7-82234-223-9.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Ökonomische Modernisierung in Ostasien im Spannungsfeld der Umwelt- und Energiesicherheitspolitik. In:
Maull, Hanns W.; Wagener, Martin (Hrsg.), Prekäre Macht, fragiler Wohlstand? Globalisierung
und Politik in Ostasien. Heidelberg 2008: 83-110. ISBN 978-3-8329-4171-0.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Li Yong: Main factors of decoupling China’s energy related emissions
from its economic growth – Where is China on the Environmental Kuznets Curve? „ASIEN“, Hamburg University Press: 1/2008: 7-23. ISSN 0721-5231. (R)
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Adapting the CDM to China: Structural changes and potential; “Oil, Gas
& Energy Law Intelligence”, Maris B.V.: 6 (2008)1 (R). ISSN 1875-418X.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Environmental Policy Reform in China; Thomas Heberer and
Gunter Schubert (eds.), Institutional Change and Political Continuity in Contemporary China, London/New York:
Routledge, 2008: 269-296. ISBN 978-0-415-46664-6.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Olympia 2008 – Blauer Himmel über Peking? „Politische Ökologie“ Oekom Verlag: 26 (2008)110: 50-52. ISSN
0932 -7522; ISBN 987-3-86581-1141_B 8400 F.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Langer Marsch in die CO2-Freiheit: Pekings Energiepolitik zwischen fossiler
Energiesicherheit und Klimaschutz. „Internationale Politik“. Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Auswärtige Politik: 63 (2008) 4:. 55-61. ISSN 1430-175X.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Herausforderungen an die Umweltpolitik; In: Doris Fischer und Michael. Lackner (eds.), Länderbericht
China 2004. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Bonn: 72-97, ISBN 978-3-89331-785-1.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Matthias Eifert and Paul Suding: Chinas Energieverbrauch 2005, “CHINAaktuell” Jg. 36
(2007), Heft 1. Institut für Asienkunde, Hamburg: 5-38 (R). ISSN 0341-6631.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Manuel Frondel: The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic
Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global Emissions Rise Drastically? Reinhard Bleischwitz and Oliver Budzinski (eds.): Environmental Economics – Institutions, Competition, Rationality. INFER
Annual Conference 2004, Wuppertal, Germany. Berlin 2006: 207-224 (R). ISBN 3-89700-182-9.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Joint Implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism - Possible
implications for instruments employed in national climate policy and potential obstacles to the effective operation in international agreements; Hatch, Michael (ed): Environmental Policymaking –
Assessing the use of alternative policy instruments. State University of New York Press. Albany, 2005: 151-168 (R). ISBN 0-79146-347-8.
- Andreas Oberheitmann und Manuel Frondel: The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic
Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global Emissions Rise Drastically? Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists, Taipei (Taiwan) 2 – 6 June
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Approaches of Sustainable Development in China; “CHINAaktuell” 34 (2005)
4. Institut für Asienkunde. Hamburg: 41-64 (R). ISSN 0341-6631.
- Andreas Oberheitmann und Manuel Frondel: CDM in China: A Push through More Market?; “Joint
Implementation Quarterly“. JI Network: 10 (2004)3.: 9 (R)
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Andrews-Speed, Philip; Dow, Stephen, Ramsay, Bruce, Smith,
Victor and Wei, Bin: First Steps in power sector reform: the case of China’s Guangdong Province; “Utilities Policy”. Elsevier: 11 (2003): 169-183. (R). ISSN 0957-1787.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and the Kyoto Process – Possible effects on China’s energy policy and trade; Doris Fischer und
Andreas Oberheitmann (eds.): China im Zeichen von Globalisierung und Entwicklung – Herausforderungen für die statistische Analyse und empirische Forschung. DIW-Sonderheft Nr. 173. Verlag Duncker & Humblot, Berlin (2003): 78-100. ISSN 0178-918
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Le secteur de l´energie et la protection de l´environnement en Chine,
Perspectives chinoises No. 69 (Jan-.Fev. 2002) – Special Chine – OMC. French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, Hong Kong: 39-52 (R) ISSN 1011-2006.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Energy Production and Related Environmental Effects in China;
“China Perspectives” No. 69 (Jan-.Feb. 2002) – Special China – WTO. French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, Hong Kong: 37-50 (R) ISSN 1011-2006.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen in der VR China: Determinanten, Entwicklung und
Politikoptionen; "RWI-Mitteilungen". Verlag Duncker & Humblot: 53 (2002)1-4: 379-398
(R). ISSN 0933-0089
- Andreas Oberheitmann, Günther Haupt und Gerd Oeljeklaus: Projektbezogene Instrumente des Kyoto-Protokolls – Methodologische,
technische und ökonomische Aspekte; VDI –Gesellschaft für Energietechnik (eds.): Flexible Mechanismen zur CO2-Minderung. VDI-Berichte No. 1725. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf (2002): 25-46, ISSN 0083-5560.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and implications for the Chinese environment policy; “ASIEN”,
University of Hamburg Press (2001): Heft No. 81: 81-102 (R). ISSN 0721-5231.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Ökonomische Aspekte möglicher umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen zur SO2-Emissionsreduktion in
China; „ASIEN“, Heft No. 78, University of Hamburg Press (2001): 5-24 (R). ISSN 0721-5231.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China’s Hunger nach Energie; “Der Überblick”, Weitsicht: Jg. 37 (2001) 4: 41-45. ISSN
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Possible conflicts of AIJ, JI and CDM projects in national programmes
with provisions governed by the WTO; “Joint Implementation Quarterly“. JI Network: 6 (2000)1: 7. (R).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Spezifische Investitionen zur Minderung von SO2-Emissionen und Umweltbelastungen durch
sauren Regen in der PR China, "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA", Heft 1/99. Ost-West-Contact,
Düsseldorf: (1999): 20-21. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Europäische Energiepolitik und globale Umweltveränderungen - Ansätze für eine langfristige, nachhaltige
Energiepolitik der Europäischen Union; Mönchengladbacher Schriften zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Praxis, Band 3. Fachhochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Wirtschaft (Eds.). Mönchengladbach (1999): 40-55. ISBN 3-933549-02-7.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: On the Incentives for Undertaking JI- and CDM-Measures through the
Compensation of National CO2-tax Payments; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (ed.): Reports on AIJ projects and contribution to the discussion of the Kyoto
mechanisms, BMU, Bonn (1999): 100-104.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Activities Implemented Jointly: Ein effizientes umweltpolitisches Instrument für die
CO2-Emissionsminderung in der PR China? Schucher, Günter (Eds.): Asien zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie - Wirtschaftswunder ohne Grenzen? Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Hamburg, Hamburg (1998): 191-211 (R), ISBN 3-88910-204-4.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Lokale und regionale Umweltbelastungen in der PR China; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA", Heft 11/98.
Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1998): 2-3. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Faktoren steigender SO2-Emissionen in der PR China; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA", Heft
12/98. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1998): 13-15. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Chancen und Probleme der CO2-Minderung in der PR China durch Activities Implemented Jointly,
Teil 2: Ansätze zur Ausgestaltung; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA - Newsletter", Heft 1/97. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1997): 8-10. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Activities Implemented Jointly, Probleme bei der Implementation (Teil 3);"Wirtschaftswelt CHINA", Heft
3/97. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1997): 17-18. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China im Internet - Teil 1: Suchmaschinen und Internet-Guides; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA", Heft
8/97. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1997): 21-22. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China im Internet - Teil 2: Zeitungen, Bibliotheken, Mailing Lists und Newsgroups; "Wirtschaftswelt
CHINA", Heft 9/97. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1997): 21-22. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Die PR China auf dem handelspolitischen Weg der weltwirtschaftlichen Integration - Zur Analyse des
politischen und ökonomischen Nutzens eines Beitritts der PR China in die WTO; Bass, Hans H.; Wohlmuth, K. (Eds.), China in der Weltwirtschaft, Hamburg (1996): 193-218. ISBN 3-88910-176-3.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Zhonghua renmin gongheguo he guanmao zongxieding (Die PR China und das Allgemeine Zoll- und
Handelsabkomen), in: Bass, Hans H.; Wohlmuth, K. Eds.), China in der Weltwirtschaft, Hamburg 1996: 277-281. ISBN 3-88910-176-3.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Ökologisierung der Landwirtschaft durch Energieabgaben? Zu den Auswirkungen einer Primärenergiesteuer
auf die ökologische und konventionelle Landwirtschaft; "RWI-Mitteilungen". Verlag Duncker & Humblodt: 46 (1995) Heft 3: 189-212. ISSN 0933-0089.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: CO2-Minderungspotentiale und umweltpolitische
Implikationen in der PR China; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA - Newsletter", Heft 2/96. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1996): 17-18. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Kontroverse über den Beitritt der PR China in die WTO - Schutz des geistigen Eigentums als zentrale
staatliche Aufgabe; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA - Newsletter", Heft 5/96, Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1996): 19-20. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Chancen und Probleme der CO2-Minderung in der PR China durch Activities Implemented Jointly,
Teil 1: Activities Implemented Jointly als Instrument der CO2-Minderung,; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA - Newsletter", Heft 12/96. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1996): 15-17. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Yu Zhongguo huifu guanmao zongxieding diyueguo diwei he jiaru shijie maoyi zuzhi you guan de guojia he
guoji de lihai guanxi (Zum nationalem und internationalen Interesse an der Wiedererlangung des Status der PR China als Vertragspartei des GATT und Eintritts in die WTO), “Guotu yu ouqu jingji“
(Chinesisch-europäische Wirtschaft), Peking (1995) 3: 65-67.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Anpassungsbedarf in der Handelspolitik, China/Auf dem langen Marsch in die WTO sind Fortschritte zu
erkennen - Skepsis der Mitglieder nachvollziehbar; "Handelsblatt". Düsseldorf 3.11.1995:
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Zur Entwicklung der Energienachfrage in der PR China; "Wirtschaftswelt CHINA - Newsletter", Heft
12/95. Ost-West-Contact, Düsseldorf: (1995): 4-6. ISSN 0947-2002.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, Martin Wenke: Strukturveränderungen des westdeutschen Privaten Verbrauchs - Methoden und ausgewählte
Ergebnisse einer Neuberechnung der RWI-Konsumverflechtungstabellen; "RWI-Mitteilungen". Verlag Duncker & Humblodt: 45 (1994)2: 103-126 (R). ISSN 0933-0089.
Monographies / Co-authorships:
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China’s energy security strategy and the regional environment -
Assessment of economic growth and its environmental impact applying a dynamic welfare optimisation approach. Saarbrücken, VDM-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-639-10087-7.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Manuel Frondel, Bernhard Hillebrand and Ulrich Höpfner, Umsetzungsbericht zum
Klimaschutzkonzept NRW, Forschungsprojekt des Ministeriums für Verkehr, Energie und Landesplanung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. RWI: Projektberichte. Essen: RWI.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Michaela Bleuel and Bernhard Hillebrand, Energiemix der Zukunft unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung regenerativer Energien in Nordrhein-Westfalen. RWI-Materialien, Nr. 12.
Essen: RWI.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with: Andrews-Speed, Philip, Chai Gaofeng, Dow, Stephen, Fan
Xiaodong, Gao Min, Lo, Stephen K.L., Qin Hua, Ramsay, Bruce, Smith, Victor, Wei Bin, Zhao Jiujin: Guangdong sheng fadiance yinru jingzheng jizhi wenti yanjiu (Untersuchung der Probleme der Einführung
von Wettbewerb im Elektrizitätssektor in Guangdong). (Arbeitspapiere des Power Economic Research Center of the State Power Corporation, Nr. 2001-100010-D01012).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen und Möglichkeiten der
Treibhausgasminderungen in China. (Duisburger Arbeitspapiere zur Ostasienwirtschaft, Nr.
48). Duisburg 1999.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Some remarks on additionality and incentives in Activities Implemented
Jointly, Joint Implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism. (RWI-Papiere, Nr. 59). Verlag Duncker &
Humblodt, 1999. ISBN 3-928739-42-5.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with: Andrews-Speed, Philip; Gao, Zhiguo; Gu, Shuhua; Guo,
Jinfei; Hagemann, Ernst; Hesselbach, Jochen; Kuxenko, Andrei; Liu, Deshun; Lu, Yinyun; Ma, Yuqing; Matthies, Joerg; Stevens, Paul; Su, Mingshan; Wei, Zhihong; Yu, Shuhua; Zhao, Xiusheng: Energy
Policy and Structure in the People’s Republic of China. (Untersuchungen des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für
Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 31). Verlag Duncker & Humblodt, 1999. ISBN 3-928739-46-8.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: European Union Energy Policy and Recent Energy Policy Proposals Relevant
to Climate Change. (RWI-Papiere, Nr. 53). Essen: RWI, 1998. ISBN 3-928739-28-X.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Bernhard Hillebrand and Hans Georg Buttermann: First
Monitoring Report: CO2-Emissions in German Industry 1995-1996. (RWI-Papiere, Nr. 50). Essen: RWI 1997. ISBN 3-928739-27-7; ISSN
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Bernhard Hillebrand and Hans Georg Buttermann: CO2-Monitoring der deutschen Industrie - ökologische und ökonomische Verifikation (Untersuchungen des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für
Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 23/1). Verlag Duncker & Humblodt, 1997. ISBN 3-928739-26-3.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Bernhard Hillebrand; Johann Wackerbauer; Karin Behring; Hans-Dieter Karl; Ulrike Lehr;
Ralf Ratzenberger; Thomas Siebe; Karl-Heinz Storchmann, unter Mitarbeit von Georg Goldrian und Reinhard Hild: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Beurteilung von CO2-Minderungsstrategien (Untersuchungen des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 19). Verlag Duncker & Humblodt, 1996. ISBN 3-928739-18-2; ISSN 0939-7280.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Bernhard Lageman, Werner Friedrich, Markus Körbel, Friederike Welter: Der
volkswirtschaftliche Nutzen der industriellen Gemeinschaftsforschung für die mittelständische Industrie (Untersuchungen des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft
15). Verlag Duncker & Humblodt, 1995. ISBN 3-928739-14-X; ISSN 0939-7280.
- Andreas Oberheitmann, together with Wolfgang Dürig, Bernhard Lageman, Friederike Welter: Lage und Perspektiven der
nordrhein-westfälischen Handwerkswirtschaft (Untersuchungen des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, Heft 18). Verlag Duncker & Humblodt, 1995. ISBN 3-928739-17-4; ISSN 0939-7280.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Die PR China und das GATT - Anpassungsbedarf der Außenhandelspolitik im Spiegelbild der nationalen und
internationalen Interessensphären, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Nr. 233. Hamburg 1994. ISBN 3-88910-133-X.
Conference Papers:
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Development of a Low Carbon Economy in Wuxi City. Paper presented at the
AAS Panel: "Green Growth in China: Global Environmental Leader or Notorious Laggard? – The Local Perspective?" on 23 March 2013 in San Diego. HOST: Association for Asian Studies (AAS).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: CO2-emission reduction in the building sector and contribution
to China’s climate change mitigation targets. Paper presented at the ICAS Panel: "Is China's climate policy at home better than it is appearing in international negotiations?" on 1 April 2011 in
Honolulu. HOST: International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: 慕尼黑2058:通往低碳的未来 (Munich 2058: Pathways to a Low Carbon Future). Paper presented at the LCE-Forum in Fuzhou on 2 November 2010. Host: Chinese Society for Sustainable Development.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China's demand for selected mineral resources in the iron and steel
sector in 2025 - Impacts of economic growth and needs for circular economy approaches. Paper presented at the 3rd International Wuppertal Colloquium on „Sustainable Growth and Resource
Productivity – Harnessing Industry and Policy Towards Eco-Innovation”. 5 September 2010 in Brussels. Host: Wuppertal Institute for Energy, Climate and Environment; East-West Center, Hawaii,
University of Wuppertal.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China’s role in a new regime of international climate governance based on
cumulative per-capita emission rights. Paper presented at the international conference "Implementation of Environmental Policies in Urban and Rural China –Successes, Problems and Deficits". Mülheim,
18 May 2010. Host: University of Duisburg-Essen.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: CO2-Emissions in China and India in 2050 and implications on a
post-Kyoto climate regime based on per-capita cumulative emission rights. Paper presented at the international conference "China and India in Energy and Environmental Politics". Münster 19 June 2009.
Host: University of Münster.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Economic growth and energy consumption - Assessing different options of
China’s energy security strategy. Paper presented at the international conference "Competition and Partnership: Key Issues of economic relations between China und EU" Beijing, 13 April 2008. Host:
University of Business and Economics, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Adapting the CDM to China: Structural changes and potential. Paper
presented at the international conference “Shaping China’s energy security: the environmental challenge”. Beijing 1 December 2007. Host: Asia Centre – Centre études Asie Paris.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Energiewirtschaftliche und ökologische Rahmenbedingungen ökonomischer Modernisierung in Ostasien im
Spannungsfeld der Umwelt- und Energiesicherheitspolitik. Papier präsentiert auf der Asientagung „Prekäre Macht, fragiler Wohlstand? Globalisierung und Politik in Ostasien“
Asientagung der ASKO-Europa Stiftung, der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung und dem Lehrstuhl für Internationale Beziehungen und Außenpolitik der Universität Trier in Otzenhausen am 25. Oktober
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Li Yong: A welfare-optimal inter-temporal allocation of energy under
environmental restrictions in China - A dynamic welfare optimisation model. Paper presented at the 29. Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics, Potsdam 7 – 11 June
2006. Host: IAEE.
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Manuel Frondel: The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic
Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global Emissions Rise Drastically? Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics 2 – 6 June 2005. Host:
- Andreas Oberheitmann and Manuel Frondel: The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic
Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global Emissions Rise Drastically? Paper presented at the XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) on 27 August 2004 in
Heidelberg. Host: EACS.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Future Chinese energy security strategies: Implications for national and
international protection of the climate and environment. Paper presented at the international Round Table “China's Future Energy Security – Strategic Implications for the European Foreign
Policy and Global Security” on 20 May 2003 in Berlin. Host: Planungsstab des Auswärtigen Amtes.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Implications of the WTO-accession for China’s Energy Consumption, Energy
and Environmental Policy. Paper presented at the ASC-Workshop „Transnationale und
internationale Integration der VR China“ on 23 May 2003 in Berlin. Host: Arbeitskreis für
sozialwissenschaftliche Chinaforschung.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: China’s Economic Growth and its Implications for the Environment - A
Decomposition of the Development of China’s CO2 and SO2-Emissions and the Impact on the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Paper presented at the international conference
"Sustainable Growth and Environmental Protection: The Case of China” on 17 August 2003 in Duisburg. Hosts: University Duisburg-Essen, University of Maryland, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars,
Washington D.C.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and China’s Energy Sector. Paper presented at the “International Conference on China’s Entry into WTO:
Economic and Ecological Challenges and Opportunities” on 21 May 2002 in Kunming, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and the Kyoto Process – Possible effects on China’s energy policy and
trade. Paper presented at the “International Conference on China’s Entry into WTO: Economic
and Ecological Challenges and Opportunities” am 21 May 2002 in Kunming, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Implications of the WTO-Entry for China’s Environmental Policy - Facts and Recommendations. Paper presented at
the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 10 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: The World Trade Organisation - an Introduction into its History, Organisation, Principles and Functions, Paper
presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 10 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO – Trade, Environment and Development, Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 11 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Development of Green Agriculture: Strategies and Experiences in Foreign
Countries. Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 11 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and its implications for the Chinese environment policy. Paper
presented at the international Symposium “WTO and Environmental Policies” in Beijing, PR China on 7 November 2000. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
- Andreas Oberheitmann: WTO and the Kyoto process - possible effects on China’s energy policy and
trade. Paper presented at the international Symposium “WTO and Environmental Policies” in Beijing, PR China on 7 November 2000. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit
- Andreas Oberheitmann: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen und Möglichkeiten der Treibhausgasminderung
in China. Paper presented at the research seminar of the University GH Duisburg – Department
of East Asian Economics/China on 19 Janaury 1999. Host: University GH Duisburg.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: “Ökonomische Aspekte möglicher umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen zur SO2-Emissionsreduktion in
China“. Paper presented at the international Conference “Saurer Regen - ökologische und ökonomische Folgen, technische und politische Maßnahmen“ in Guilin, Provinz Guangxi (PR China) on 13 November
1998. Host: Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.
- Andreas Oberheitmann: “PR China: CO2-Minderung durch Activities Implemented
Jointly?“ Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V. on 9 May 1997 in Berlin. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V., Hamburg.
16.2 Presentations
- Development of a Low Carbon Economy in Wuxi City - Assumptions and preliminary results.
Paper presented at the AAS Panel: "Green Growth in China: Global Environmental Leader or Notorious
Laggard? – The Local Perspective?" on 23 March 2013 in San Diego. HOST: Association for
Asian Studies (AAS).
- Common, but differentiated Responsibilities in a post-Kyoto regime based on
cumulative per capita GHG-emission rights. Presentation at the Second China-EU Social Ecological and Legal Forum on 15 November 2012 in Beijing. Host: Renmin University
- Power generation and basic Technologies in Wuxi. Presentation at the Second LCFC Stakeholder
Dialogue Forum in Wuxi on 23 October 2012 in Wuxi. Host: Jiangnan University, Wuxi.
- Development of Low Carbon Cities in China - NDRC pilot programme and case study Wuxi.
Presentation at the summer academy 2012 "Water and Sustainability" on 16 August 2012 in Cologne. Host: University of Cologne and Cologne Environmental Protection Bureau.
- Lessons and Experiences of the Development of Low Carbon Cities – Understanding Low Carbon
Economy in Cities in China from a German Perspective. Presentation at the Zukunftsbrücke: Chinese-German Young Professional Campus Toward a Low Carbon Economy: Sustainable Urban Development in China
and Germany in the 21st Century on 20 May 2012 in Hangzhou. Host: Mercator Foundation, Essen.
- „Current Policy Scenario“ for Wuxi - Assumptions and preliminary results. Presentation at the
LCFC Implementation Committee Meeting in Wuxi on 17 April 2012 in Wuxi. Host: Jiangnan University, Wuxi.
- Umweltökonomische Bewertung ausgewählter sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischer Maßnahmen in China. Presentation at the University of Wien on 5 March 2012. Host: University of Wien.
- Pathways to a Low Carbon City for Munich. Presentation at Presentation at the international
Conference "Comparing Green Economy and Socio-ecological Movements in China and Europe" on 19 November 2011. Host: Renmin University, Beijing.
- KfW: Programmatic CDM in the new building sector in China - The case study of Xiamen.
Presentation at KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) on 11 July 2011. Host KfW.
- 厦门市新型建筑规划型清洁发展机制的基本结果(Introduction
to the results relating to PoA in new buildings in Xiamen). Presentation on the 6th China (Xiamen) International Building Energy-saving Expo in Xiamen on 20 May 2011. Host: Xiamen Municipal Government.
- CO2-emission reduction in the building sector and contribution to China’s climate
change mitigation targets. Presentation at the ICAS Panel: "Is China's climate policy at home better than it is appearing in international negotiations?" on 1 April 2011 in Honolulu. HOST:
International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS).
- Introduction to the results relating to PoA in new buildings in China. Presentation on the
Green Building Conference workshop "Carbon market in the new building sector in China" on 29 March 2011 in Beijing. Host: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of
- 慕尼黑2058:通往低碳的未来 (Munich 2058: Pathways to a Low Carbon Future). Presentation at the LCE-Forum in Fuzhou on 2 November 2010.
Host: Chinese Society for Sustainable Development.
- A new post-Kyoto regime based on cumulative per capita CO2-emission rights -
Advantages for China and LICs. Presentation at the ESRC Rising Powers workshop: China’s engagement in Low Income Countries: An environmental perspective on 25 November 2010 in Brighton. Host:
Institute for Development Studies, University of Brighton.
- Green Education and Climate Change. Presentation at the 2010 Tsinghua University International
Symposium on Establishing the Green University on 27 October 2010 in Beijing. Host: Tsinghua University.
- Introduction to the Xiamen Low Carbon City Concept. Presentation on the international
Conference “Future Megacities in Balance - New Alliances for Energy- and Climate-Efficient Solutions” on 11 October, 2010 in Essen. Host: Ministry for Education and Science of the Federal Republic of
- China's demand for selected mineral resources in the iron and steel sector in 2025 - Impacts of
economic growth and needs for circular economy approaches. Presentation at the 3rd International Wuppertal Colloquium on „Sustainable Growth and Resource Productivity – Harnessing Industry
and Policy Towards Eco-Innovation” on 4 September 2010 in Brussels. Host: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wupppertal University and the East West Center Honolulu.
- Economic growth, energy efficiency and possible CO2-emission reductions in China by
2020. Presentation at the Beijing Foreign Studies University on 2 July 2010 in Beijing. Host: Beijing Foreign Studies University.
- China and a new post-Kyoto regime of international climate governance based on cumulative per
capita CO2-emission rights. Presentation on 18 May 2010 the international conference “Implementation of Environmental Policies in Urban and Rural China – Successes, Problems and Deficits”
in Mülheim. Host: University Duisburg-Essen.
- China’s role in the Kyoto-process and the actual climate negotiations. Presentation on 17 May
2010 at the Konfucius-Institute Duisburg. Host: Konfucius-Institute Duisburg.
- Environmental Impact Assessment in CDM-projects – Issues in the Building Sector. Presentation
on 4 May 2010 on the international “Workshop on Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies in German and Chinese Infrastructure Projects” in Berlin. Host: Free University Berlin.
- Green City Guidelines – A first approach. Presentation on 12 November 2009 on the InWent
Dialogue Forum on Low Carbon Economy in Cape Town. Host: InWEnt.
- Introduction to the impact of climate change on cities. Presentation on 10 November 2009 on the
World Town Planning Day, Cape Town. Host: City government Cape Town.
- Development of China’s CO2-Emissions until 2050 and its role in a new post-Kyoto
regime based on cumulative per capita emission rights. Presentation on 27 October 2009 on the Climate, Energy, and Economy Modelling - Round-Table in Wuhan. Host: Tsinghua University, China
Meteorological Administration - National Climate Change Center, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Energie und Umwelt.
- Potential of CDM Programme of Activities in the building sector in China. Presentation on 20
October 2009 on the International Workshop on CDM, pCDM and sectoral approaches in the building sector, Beijing. Host: AHK.
- CO2-Emissions in China in 2050 and implications on a post-Kyoto climate regime based
on per-capita cumulative emission rights. Presentation on 19 September 2009 at Tsinghua University for the visit of the Bayerische Eliteakademie. Host: Tsinghua University.
- China’s Economic growth and CO2-emissions – Granger causality and co-integration
analysis. Presentation on 14 September 2009 on the RCIEP seminar on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation in China. Host: Research Center for International Environmental Policy, Tsinghua
- Strategies of German government for climate protection and role of banks – A BMU perspective.
Presentation on 4 September 2009 auf der internationalen Konferenz Green Financing – Climate Protection Programs in the Banking Sector in Beijing. Host: KfW.
- Selected issues of a Programme of Activities (PoA) in the building sector in China.
Presentation on 25 June 2009 on the KfW P-CDM Workshop in Beijing. Host: KfW.
- CO2-Emissions in China and India in 2050 and implications on a post-Kyoto climate
regime based on per-capita cumulative emission rights. Presentation on 19 June 2009 on the international Conference "China and India in Energy and Environmental Politics" in Münster. Host: University
- Half-day seminar on CDM on 8 June 2009 in Beijing. Host: CICETE.
- CDM and its methodologies in the building sector. Presentation on 6 June 2009 on the EXPO on
Energy Saving in Buildings 2009 in Xiamen. Host: AHK.
- Explore for Low Carbon Economy in the Cities in China - Basic results. Presentation on 10 May
2009 at Jiangnan University, Wuxi. Host: Jiangnan University.
- Explore for Low Carbon Economy in the Cities in China - Basic results. Presentation on 27 April
2009 on the InWent Dialogue Forum on Low Carbon Economy in Berlin. Host: InWEnt.
- Increasing energy efficiency - opportunities and challenges for technology diffusion.
Presentation on 25 April 2009 on the International Seminar on Climate Change and Energy Security in Beijing. Host: Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation.
- Energy targets in 2020 and implications for CO2-emissions and energy efficiency
improvements under the CDM in China. Presentation on 22 April 2009 on the CIM Network Meeting in Chengdu. Host: CIM.
- Issues of a Programme of Activities (PoA) in the building sector in China. Presentation on 28
March 2009 at the Green Building Conference, Beijing. Host: Ministry of Construction.
- CDM and its methodologies in the building sector. Presentation at the Sino-German Workshop on
Application of CDM in the Construction Sector, Qinhuangdao, 25 November 2008. Host: German
Chamber of Commerce.
- 全球气候变化 (Quanqiu qihou
bianhua – Global Climate Change). Presentation at the Children University (Side event
“Deutschland und China gemeinsam in Bewegung”), Guangzhou, 16 November 2008. Host: DAAD.
- Economic growth and CO2-emissions in China. Presentation at the Sino-German Research
Workshop on Environmental Technology, Guangzhou, 14 November 2008. Host: DAAD.
- Economic growth, energy efficiency and possible CO2-emission reductions in China by
2020. Presentation at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, 10 September 2008. Host: University of International Business and Economics.
- Energieverbrauchsziele im Jahr 2020 und Implikationen für die CO2-Emissionen und Energieeffizienzsteigerungen
durch CDM in China. Präsentation at Europäisches Institut für internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in Wuppertal, 16 July 2008. Host: Europäisches Institut für internationale
Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (EIIW).
- Comments on carbon governance in China. Presentation on the International Expert Workshop
“Varieties of Carbon Governance - The Clean Development Mechanism in Newly Industrializing Countries”, 4 July 2008 in Potsdam. Host: Research Centre SFB 700 University Potsdam.
- Energy targets in 2020 and implications for CO2-emissions and energy efficiency
improvements under the CDM in China. Presentation at Beijing University, Beijing, 26 June 2008. Host: Beijing University.
- Environment and Climate Change in China. Presentation on the Tsinghua – Chalmers Workshop on
Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University, Beijing, 24 May 2008. Host: Tsinghua University.
- Energy efficiency enhancements in the building sector in Northern China – PDD for the GTZ
Tangshan project. Presentation on the GTZ Workshop “Carbon Market – New chances and potentials in Technical Cooperation” on 5 May 2008 in Cologne. Host GTZ/BMZ.
- Economic growth and energy consumption - Assessing different options of China’s energy security
strategy. Paper presented at the international conference "Competition and Partnership: Key Issues of economic relations between China und EU" Beijing, 13 April 2008. Host: University of Business and
Economics, Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
- Feasibility Study on CDM in the building sector in North China on behalf of GTZ. Presentation
on the Presentation on the conference “Sino-German Perspectives on Energy and Climate Policies” in Beijing, 31 January 2008. Host: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Natural Conservation
and Nuclear Safety.
- Environment and Climate Change in China. Presentation on the AHK-Workshop “CDM in China:
Opportunities for Sino-German Cooperation” Beijing, 8 November 2007. Host: German Chamber of Commerce, Beijing.
- CDM in China – Potentiale und Perspektiven für die deutsche Wirtschaft. Vortrag auf der Veranstaltung: „Klimaschutz in China
– Perspektiven für die deutsche Wirtschaft?“ der IHK Saarland und der ASKO EUROPA-Stiftung on 23 Oktober 2007. Host: ASKO EUROPA-Stiftung.
- Framework conditions and barriers for industry investments in the Clean Development Mechanism
in China. Presentation on the 5. WirtschaftsWoche Annual Conference on China, Berlin, 14 September 2007. Host: WirtschaftsWoche.
- Introduction of a Circular Economy in China - Recommendations from the German experience.
Presentation at the International Workshop on Circular Economy Legislation in China on 30 June in Beijing: Host: Energy Saving and Resource Conservation Committee of the People’s National
- Issues of energy efficiency enhancement in existing residential buildings. Presentation at the
Kick-off Workshop to the Feasibility Study on Clean Development Mechanism Projects in the field of energy efficiency enhancement in buildings in North China, 31 July 2007. Host: GTZ.
- Energy-Efficiency: Initiatives of the European Union and Germany. Presentation at the GTZ SRO
Workshop on 6 June 2007 in Xi‘an (Shaanxi Province). Host: Research Office of Shaanxi Provincial Government.
- Energy Consumption and Energy Industry in Germany. Presentation at the GTZ SRO Workshop on 6
June 2007 in Xi‘an (Shaanxi Province). Host: Research Office of Shaanxi Provincial Government.
- Local economic development through promotion of SMEs. Presentation at the GTZ Workshop on
Regional Development on 26 March 2007 in Chongqing. Host: Chongqing municipal government.
- Enhancing regional competitiveness - Applied methods to promote the local economy. Presentation
at the GTZ Workshop on Regional Development on 26 March 2007 in Chongqing. Host: Chongqing Technology and Business University.
- Local Economic Development through promotion of SMEs. Presentation at the GTZ Workshop on
Regional Development on 26 March 2007 in Chongqing. Host: Chongqing Technology and Business University.
- Potential, Rules and Barriers for CDM in China. Presentation at the weekly CESDRRC meeting on
22 May 2007 in Beijing: Host: China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Center (CESDRRC).
- Framework of CDM in China. Presentation at the Inter Pacific Bar Association Annual Conference
2007 on 22 April 2007 in Beijing. Host: Inter Pacific Bar Association.
- CDM in China – Potential, rules and obstacles. Presentation at the international Conference
“Climate Protection and Coal Utilisation” of the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie des Landes NRW on 3 November in Beijing and on 6 November in Taiyuan. Host: Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Mittelstand und Energie des Landes NRW.
- Restructuring of old-industrial energy regions in Germany – the example of the Ruhr area.
Presentation at the “International Workshop on industrial restructuring and cluster development in China” of the Research Office of Anhui Provincial Government on 1 November 2006 in Hefei (Anhui
Province). Host: Research Office of Anhui Provincial Government.
- Entwicklung der Umweltpolitik und Minderung der Umweltzerstörung in China. Presentation at the Akademie für politische
Bildung in Tutzing on 1 September 2006 in Tutzing. Host: Akademie für politische Bildung Tutzing.
- Chinas Energiesicherheitsstrategie als dynamisches Wohlfahrts-Optimierungsproblem unter Umwelt- und
Ressourcenverfügbarkeitsrestriktionen. Presentation at the „Iserlohn-Workshop 2006“ on 12
February 2006 in Schwerte. Host: Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn.
- 气候变化对农业部门水资源需求的影响案例研究 - Qihou bianhua dui nongye bumen shuiziyuan xuqiu de yingxiang anli yanjiu (The impact of global climate change
on agricultural water demand – a case study). Presentation at the EMCP-Workshop „Strengthening China’s Climate Change Adaptation Preparedness with Policy Support Modelling” on 20 March 2005 in
Beijing. Host: EU-China Environmental Management Programme.
- The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global
Emissions Rise Drastically? Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists (IAEE) on 6 June 2005 in Taipei, Taiwan. Host: International
Association of Energy Economists (IAEE).
- Entwicklung der Umweltpolitik in China. Presentation at the bdvb – Forum in the Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung on 29 June 2005 in Essen. Host: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für
- Die zukünftige Energiesicherheitsstrategie in der PR China als intertemporales Wohlfahrtsoptimierungsproblem - Ableitung der
effizientesten Einzeloptionen. Presentation at the Research Seminar of the University
Duisburg-Essen on 23 November 2005 in Duisburg. Host: Department of Business Administration University Duisburg-Essen.
- Umweltstandards in China’s Automobilsektor. Presentation at the EUROFORUM-Conference
“Automobilmarkt China” on 27 February 2004 in Mainz. Host: EUROFORUM.
- The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global
Emissions Rise Drastically? Paper presented at the XV Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies on 27 August 2004 in Heidelberg. Host: European Association of Chinese
- The Dark Side of China’s Increasing Economic Prosperity: Will Energy Consumption and Global
Emissions Rise Drastically? Paper presented at the Conference of the International Network for Economic Research (INFER) on 17 September 2004 in Wuppertal. Host: International Network for Economic
Research (INFER).
- Implications of German Power and Gas Sector Liberalisation. Presentation at GTZ-Beijing on 23
September 2004. Host: GTZ Beijing.
- China’s Economic Growth and the Environment - A Decomposition Approach. Presentation at the
weekly CESDRRC meeting on 20 October 2004 in Beijing. Host: China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Center.
- Per capita income, energy consumption and related emissions in China: An econometric analysis
of historical patterns and future developments. Presentation at Tsinghua University on 1 November 2004 in Peking. Host: Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua
- Future Chinese energy security strategies: Implications for national and international
protection of the climate and environment. Paper presented at the Round Table “China's Future Energy Security – Strategic Implications for the European Foreign Policy and Global Security” on 20
May 2003 in Berlin. Host: Auswärtigen Amtes, Planungsstab.
- Implications of the WTO-accession for China’s Energy Consumption, Energy and Environmental
Policy. Paper presented at the ASC-Workshop „Transnationale und internationale Integration
der PR China“ on 23 May 2003 in Berlin. Host: Arbeitskreis für sozialwissenschaftliche
Chinaforschung (ASC).
- Emissions Trading – Ein Instrument der internationalen Klimapolitik. Presentation at Fachhochschule Niederrhein on 3 June
2003. Host: Fachhochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Wirtschaft.
- Energiesicherheit und Umwelt in China - Implikationen der Optionen der zukünftigen Energiesicherheitsstrategie für die
Emissionen von regional und global wirkenden Stoffen". Presentation at University GH
Duisburg on 16 July 2003. Host: Fachbereich 5: Ostasienwirtschaft / China.
- China’s Economic Growth and its Implications for the Environment - A Decomposition of the
Development of China’s CO2 and SO2-Emissions and the Impact on the Environmental Kuznets Curve. Paper presented at the international conference "Sustainable Growth and
Environmental Protection: The Case of China” on 17 August.2003 in Duisburg. Host: University Duisburg-Essen, University of Maryland, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington
- Corporate governance in the German power sector – an overview. Presentation at the
“International Symposium on Corporate Governance in China’s Infrastructure Sector and Public Utilities” on 17 October 2003 in Haikou, Hainan (PR China). Host: China Institute for Reform
and Development (CIRD).
- Environmental inequity in China. Presentation at the China Environmental Forum on 17
November 2003 in Washington DC. Host: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C.
- Umweltschutz als nationale und internationale Steuerungsaufgabe. Seminar at the Reutlinger IT Kompetenzzentrum on 21 November 2003 in Reutlingen. Host: Konrad Adenauer
- China CDM Study, Presentation at the side event „Implementing CDM in China“ of the
9th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC on 8 December 2003 in Mailand. Host: Global Climate Change Institute (GCCI)/ Energy, Environment and Economy Institute (3E), Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China.
- The concept of additionality – Potential obstacles in CDM to the effective operation for the
investor country. Presentation at the methodology workshop of the project „CDM Study China“. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ), World Bank.
- WTO and China’s Energy Sector. Paper presented at the “International Conference on China’s
Entry into WTO: Economic and Ecological Challenges and Opportunities” on 21 May 2002 in
Kunming, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- WTO and the Kyoto Process – Possible effects on China’s energy policy and trade. Presentation
at the “International Conference on China’s Entry into WTO: Economic and Ecological
Challenges and Opportunities” on 21 May 2002 in Kunming, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- WTO-rules related to the environment – National and international aspects. Seminar at the
“Training workshop on WTO and Environmental Protection” on 22.Mai 2002 in Jinghong, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit
- Umweltschutz als Aufgabe einer knappheitsgerechten Regelung der Umweltnutzung – marktwirtschaftliche
Steuerungsinstrumente.Seminar at Schloß Eichholz, Köln-Wesseling on 12 October 2002. Host:
Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
- Implications of the WTO-Entry for China’s Environmental Policy - Facts and Recommendations.
Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 10 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ
- The World Trade Organisation - an Introduction into its History, Organisation, Principles and
Functions. Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 10 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ
- WTO – Trade, Environment and Development Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 11 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Development of Green Agriculture: Strategies and Experiences in Foreign Countries.
Paper presented at the “International Training Workshop on China's Accession to the WTO: Trade and Environment Issues“ on 11 May 2001 in Lijiang, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ).
- Zu den Auswirkungen des WTO-Beitritts auf die Umweltpolitik Chinas. Presentation at the „Mittagsforum“ of Ruhr-University Bochum on 5 December 2001. Host: Fakultät für
- Strategien der Emissionsminderung im Elektrizitätssektor in China. Presentation at the China-Workshop “Iserlohn 2000“on 27 February 2000 in Schwerte. Host: Evangelische Akademie
- Electricity deregulation in the United States of America. Seminar at University of Dundee
relating to the project „Introducing competition in power generation in Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China” in Dundee, Scotland on 26 May 2000. Host: European Commission, GD XVII –
Synergy Programme, und das Department of Basic Industry, State Development Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China.
- WTO and its implications for the Chinese environment policy. Paper presented at the
international Symposium “WTO and Environmental Policies” on 7 November 2000 in Beijing, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
- WTO and the Kyoto process - possible effects on China’s energy policy and trade. Paper
presented at the international Symposium “WTO and Environmental Policies” on 7 November 2000 in Beijing, PR China. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ).
- Aktuelle Ergebnisse der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen und Möglichkeiten der Treibhausgasminderungen in China,
Presentation at Universität-GH Duisburg on 19 January 1999. Host: Fachbereich 5:
Ostasienwirtschaft / China.
- Selbstversorgung versus Weltmarktintegration – China’s langer Marsch in die WTO“, Presentation at der Conference „Speisung
der Milliarde(n) – China on the langen Marsch zwischen ökonomischem Wachstum, Grenzen der Natur und (globaler) Ernährungssicherheit on 18 November at the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll. Host:
Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Brot für die Welt und Evangelische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
100.Europäische Union und Globale
Umweltveränderungen - Ansätze für eine langfristige, nachhaltige Energiepolitik der Europäischen Union; Presentation at Fachhochschule Niederrhein in Mönchengladbach on 25 May 1998, Host:
Fachhochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Wirtschaft.
101.Key Features, Opportunities and Threats of an Environmental
Approach of Chinese Energy Policy. Presentation at University of Dundee, Scotland, 29 October 1998, Host: Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy.
102.Ökonomische Aspekte möglicher umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen zur SO2-Emissionsreduktion
in China, Presentation at the international Conference “Saurer Regen - ökologische und ökonomische Folgen, technische und politische Maßnahmen“ in Guilin, Provinz Guangxi (PR China), 13 November
1998. Host: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
103.Informationsmanagement in China; Presentation at the China-Workshop
“Iserlohn 1997“ on 2 March 1997 in Schwerte. Host: Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn.
104.VR China:
CO2-Minderung durch Activities Implemented Jointly? Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V. on 9 May 1997 in Berlin. Host: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde e.V., Hamburg.
105.Neue umweltpolitische Instrumente in der PR China. Presentation at Volkshochschule Essen, 26
November 1997. Host: Deutsch-Chinesische Gesellschaft e.V.
106.Die PR China und das GATT/WTO - Die Anerkennung
als Vertragspartei im Spiegelbild nationaler und internationaler Interessen. Presentation at
the international Conference "China - Weltwirtschaftsmacht" in Bremen on 9-10 October 1995. Host: Institut für
Weltwirtschaft und Internationales Management der Universität Bremen, University of Bremen.